Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What has been going on

To put it bluntly, NOTHING.

Maybe not nothing in the real term of nothing, but it has been upside down for a while around here. The picture is of the disposal feature in the dishwasher. Any food that were to be left on and washed off the plate would be cut up so it didn't clog anything. While it is a neat feature of Kenmore, it does not wipe the screen as it goes around. Once the screen is clogged, well things stop spraying and nothing gets clean in the dishwasher. $170 later we have a new screen and disposal grinder on the intake side of our dishwasher pump. (I was hoping for some new camera toys instead)

Quarentien that is also the new word of the day. For several weeks now I have been really sick. A linger cold that wouldn't go away. I kept up with the medicine and when it said symptons not going away after 7 days, see a doctor. I did. That landed me three days at home with nothing to do. No chores, no work on my race track.. nothing. Oh well, it could be worse.

I did receive my macro filters last weekend. Check them out.