Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day at the Cabin - and Ghost??

We had such high hopes; honestly. We left home in the rain on Saturday morning and thought that it would be ok by the time we got there. NOPE. It rained all day Saturday and most of Saturday night stopping on Sunday morning. We did see a peak of the sun and a few shadows but other than that, rain and dark cloudy. Did I mention the cold? Never got above 48 degrees and at times, when it was sleeting, it was 36 degrees. Just last week Uncle Jim and family were at the cabin and nearly baked to death. Who believes weather reports anyway. We didn't pack enough socks for the girls so we had to dry them out all the time. I don't think the fireplace ever went cold.
What you see at the top is the clouds that rolled in and started snowing again. This was taken at Clark Fork trail, Stanislaus National Park.

And not that I would put any bad joo-joo on the cabin, but... If you look at the pictures all taken with no flash and open lens, you can see a green object. At first I was getting frustrated because it was in each of the pictures taken without a flash. Could it be??? I have more pictures here so check them out. The last pictures in the series are some test shots with one of my new lens and how to focus better.

Better luck next year to Danica. We were cheering for you.